June 5

Dirty Ducts Could Cost You More Than A Runny Nose

Duct Cleaning is a Necessity

La Grange Air QualityComprehensive HVAC companies now offer duct cleaning services. They are the most appropriate method by which a homeowner can rid themselves of the problems that are caused by a proliferation of dust throughout the HVAC system including the duct work.

However, it is important for homeowners to know when their ducts may need cleaning. This is important because this dust is in many ways hidden. If the owner does not know that this is a problem, the issues caused by it will not be eliminated.

Failure to eliminate the problem will extend the suffering of people that have issues with poor air quality. It is advised to make duct cleaning apart of the routine maintenance regimen that is performed periodically by reputable HVAC companies. To familiarize homeowners of the outward signs that ducts need cleaning, they should know some signs that may not be noticed directly.

5 Signs Your Air Ducts Need Cleaning

One very prominent sign is the presence of a faint foul smell. The dust buildup actually decays and releases an odor. This is especially true if this odor is magnified when the HVAC system is in use. The odor will be present in both the cooling and heating uses of the system.

If there is a buildup of dark dust around vents, the ductwork and vents are very much in need of cleaning. This means that the dust has proliferated the system and become infested with mold from decay, and the types of dust mites that feed on the dust and excrete waste products that aggravate breathing issues.

If there is a proliferation of dust on household items despite the presence of very effective filters that are changed often, it means that dust had previously built up in the system prior to the use of effective filters. Even with exceedingly good filters, dust will eventually build to the point that it will be necessary to have the ducts cleaned.La GRANGE Duct Cleaning

When people that are breathing impaired for various reasons begin to notice a progression in their symptoms even after a filter change, the ducts may need cleaning. In extreme cases, the dust and by-products of the mold and mite infestations will spur visits to the doctor without resolution.

A final sign that the ducts need cleaning is by having a respected HVAC company inspect the system for these types of problems. This is by far the best method for keeping control of issues like these before they impact the inhabitants of the home negatively.

Are your La Grange air ducts making your home smelly, stuffy, dusty? Call Allan E Power Plumbing at [phone] for duct cleaning!


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