July 31

How to Save Water The Smart Way

It’s Time to Go Low Flow

La Grange PlumberIn light of recent droughts, there has been a sense of urgency to reduce water usage. In addition, many businesses and homeowners have been hit with high water and energy bills.

The need to save water, save energy, and save money is at an all time high in recent years and installing low-flow water fixtures is proving to be a viable solution.

What are low-flow water fixtures?

Low-flow water fixtures use less water, but still produce quality water pressure. There are a number of water fixtures that can be replaced to reduce water usage. Toilets, urinals, shower heads and sink faucets are some of the water fixtures that can be adjusted to reduce the flow, yet maintain the pressure quality of water.

This is accomplished by using flow restrictors, leak detection, and aerators that mix air with water flow to produce a high pressure flow system.

Benefits to installing low-flow water fixtures:

Installing water-efficient appliances don’t just save water, they also save energy use and money. For instance, toilets tend to be the biggest culprit of wasting water, costing businesses and home owners alike.

To reduce the overuse of water, low-flow toilets use only about 1.5 gallons/flush as compared to the 3.5 gallons/flush or higher of standard toilets. For businesses, urinals use a lot of water too. Low-flow urinals only need 1 gallon to flush and even newer models don’t require any water at all. Instead, the waterless urinals use a trap filled with fluid that allows urine to sink to the bottom, preventing order.

Low-flow faucets, for bathroom sinks, reduce water usage by 50%, but still provide enough pressure to clean hands. Low-flow shower heads reduce even more of a percentage of water and energy. Shower heads in particular are used for dispensing hot water, so when flow is reduced so is the use of heating energy.La Grange Fixture Installation Services


Before, when this technology was new, there were a few issues with design efficiency. Today, many of these problems have been addressed thanks to directing jets, high-pressure technology, fluid-filled traps, and water inlets.

Most of the time these low-flow fixtures are also low maintenance, but because dirt and other contaminates can clog flow control, periodic checks to devices should be made by a professional. Any of the automatic or infrared sensor controls will need battery replacements once a year.

Before installing low-flow fixtures, speak with a professional, because some plumbing systems cannot handle the switch. Some pipes require more water flow to carry away solid waste. A plumber can help assist in correcting the problem or may suggest mixing a pressure-assisted flush system. Overall, the benefits outweigh the initial costs for converting to a low-flow system.

Don’t delay. Give Allan E Power  call at [phone] to save money and lower the carbon footprint of your La Grange home!


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